Caruthers Fair Race Article by Karen Gould


Dennis Watson Memorial

October 1, 2004

The annual Caruthers Fair races took place this Saturday and Sunday with over 200 riders each night.  The Fresno Motorcycle Club orchestrated another great event, the second annual Dennis Watson memorial. Dennis was a resident of Caruthers and on the Caruthers Fair Board.  Being a motorcycle enthusiast he was responsible for bringing the Fresno Motorcycle Club to Caruthers to promote racing.   He enjoyed racing at the fair every year.  Dennis lost his life due to cancer but his wife Mary still lives in Caruthers.

Racing started on this cushion oval with the PW 50’s and riders as young as five years old. In the 5/6 year old stock 50 class it was Joshua Mares and Daniel Hess across the line.  One of the 80 expert youth riders just shined in his performance.  He rode his first race ever at the Caruthers fair when he was four years old and won the 50 stock class that night.   After winning at Caruthers he started riding other venues and AMA District 36 events.  During 2000 he rode to earn the #2  AMA west coast Amateur National plate in the 50 modified class.  In 2002 he had a bad crash on a 65 and he came out in 2003 on an 80.  Since riding 50’s there has been fierce competition with PJ Osmer  in every class.  Tonight was Avila’s night to beat him. Osmer got the hole shot in the 80 expert event  while Avila got pinched on the start arriving in the first turn in the 5th spot.   He worked his way  to the second spot by the end of the first lap and then in the fourth lap squared the corner to over take Osmer for the win.  Eric England was third.  Back on the track for the 100 youth expert event Avila and PJ resumed the battle.  Coming from third Avila stuffed PJ in the third turn of the last lap to cross the finish first.  In Saturday’s racing England finished the 80 expert class in the first spot while Osmer finished first in the 100 youth expert event.

By far the largest class on the track on Saturday night was the Open novice event.  Ten riders lined up for this one and John Walker led this class to the checkers.  The Open expert event was the fastest class on the track with 6 riders competing for the front spot.  Brandon Bergen  and Rick Hollenbeck put on a show in this class and turning the fastest lap times of the night.  Bergen took this victory easily on Saturday night.  On Sunday Chad Foster and Colton Jones took the checkers first and second followed by Bergen and Jimmy McNeil.

This weekend of racing is the last of the 8 race summer series promoted at the Caruthers Fairgrounds by the Fresno Motorcycle Club each year.  The series has been running for 27 years and the fair is the last free entry fair in California.

Photos:  #23 Michael Avila and #44 PJ Osmer competing in the 85 expert class

#3 Brandon Bergen and #40 Rick Hollenbeck wheel to wheel in the Open Expert Event



Friday 10/1/04

50 Mod 5-6 yrs

  1. Jacob Hess

50 Mod 7-8 yrs

  1. Nathan Howard, 2. Andrew Alquizon; 3. Kevin Alcorn; 4. Joshua Petz

50 stock 5-6 yrs

  1. Joshua Mare, Daniel Hess

50 Stock  7-8

  1. Evan Diaz; 2. Kevin Alcorn; 3. Herman Alexis,  4. Alexis Moore

50 Adult

  1. Dave Hill; 2. Zane Tatum; 3. Dillon Allen; 4. Chris Safford; 5. Darrell Herzog 6. Cliff Hess  7. Miles Newland;8 TJ Dyksrtra; 9. Adam Lovejoy; 10 Bret Moore

60 Novice

  1. Andrew Alquinon; 2. Bobby Bolin; 3. Rev-n-Evan Stafford; 4. Travis Clark; 5. Landin King; 7. Zachery Lenhof; 8. Brandon Bassett.

60 Int

  1. Christopher Torres; 2. Trent Howard

80 Novice

  1. Stephen Morales; 2. Nick Olazier; 3. Rev-n-Even Stafford; 4. Christopher Torres; 5. Michael Cantu; 6. Paul Grady; 7. Tyler Wilson; 8. Tyler Buchnoff; 9. Reese Quinlan; 10 Carsten  Friesen; 11. Zachery Lenhoff

80 Int

  1. Justin Petz; 2. Justin Deger; 3. Danielle Diaz

80 Exp

  1. Michael Avila; 2. Patrick Osmer; 3. Eric England

80 4 stroke nov

  1. Logan Lohmeier

80 4 stroke exp

  1. Kevin Alcorn


  1. Larissa Cannon; 2. Shanna Kerr

100 Youth Nov

  1. Zachery Lenhof; 2. Jesse Silva

100 Youth Int.

  1. Danielle Diaz; 2. Justin Petz

100 Youth Expert

  1. Michael Avila; 2. Patrick Osmer; 3. Colt Foster; 4. Zane Tatum; 5. Garrett Stout

100 Adult Novice

  1. Shanna Kerr

100 Adult Int.

  1. Brian Jones; 2. Lindsey King

125 Nov

  1. Kevin Nickell; 2. Kris Bunch; 3. Travis Sasseli; 4. Kala Torres

125 Expert

  1. Colton Jones; 2. Travis Cowen

250 4 stroke Nov

  1. Lindsey King; 2. Garrett Stout; 3. Ryan England; 4. Brian Bartlow

250 4 stroke Expert

  1. Ross Gallaher; 2. Chris Foster; 3. Larissa Cannon

250 Nov

  1. Matt Salmon; 2. Steve Nichols; 3. Kenneth Casey; 4. Adam Lovejoy

250 Int.

  1. Joey Alves; 2. Kutter Morrison

250 Exp

  1. Colton Jones

70 Singles Nov

  1. Randly Elms; 2. Jacob Southard

70 Singles Int

  1. Wayne Jackson; 2. Robert Jackson; 3. Brendan Phillips; 4. Terry Phillips

70 singles Expert

  1. Jay Gosvenor; 2. Jeff Gonzales

Vet Novice

  1. Gary Henson; 2. Rick Steiner; 3. Chris Calhoun; 4. Sam Grippen

Vet Intermediate

  1. Jerry Van Ness; 2. Brian Bartlow

Vet Expert

  1. Jim Stilwell

Old Timers

  1. Johnny Alexander; 2. Paul Anderson; 3. Gary Henson; 4. Joe Schmitt

Open Nov

1. John Walker; 2. Rick Steiner; 3. Chris Calhoun; 4. Troy McTeer; 5. Cole Gallaher;    5. Thomas Benzler; 6. Kevin Nickell; 7. Kenneth Casey; 7. Sam Grippen; 8. Adam Lovejoy

Open Int

1.      Dillon Allen; 2. Ryan England; 3. Jerry Van Ness; 4. Brian Bartlow

Open Exp

1.      Brandan Bergen; 2. Rick Hollenbeck; 3. Jimmy McNeil; 4. Chad Foster; 5. Travis Cowen; 6. Blayne Hollenbeck

450 Nov

1.      John Walker; 2. Nick Patzkowsky

450 exp

1.      Chad Foster; 2. Jimmy NcNeil; 3. Brandan Bergen